Diablo 4 disabled a bugged sidequest preventing players from getting

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The official Diablo account on Twitter posted the four types of Malignant Hearts, confirming their number, as well as where to find each type.

For Diablo 4 players, it's back to square one in Season of the Malignant. They'll start with an empty stash, no currency, with only their knowledge to guide them, as they attempt to  Diablo 4 Items climb the endgame in Diablo 4 yet again. Though the accompanying patch is also bringing new Legendary Aspects and Uniques, the featured stars of the season are its Malignant Hearts. Comparable to Legendary Gems from Diablo 3, Malignant Hearts will give characters powerful bonuses when slotted into a piece of jewelry (provided the socket color matches).

The official Diablo account on Twitter posted the four types of Malignant Hearts, confirming their number, as well as where to find each type. The total amount of Malignant Hearts coming in Season of the Malignant is 32, and given that there are four types, it can be presumed that there are eight Malignant Hearts per type. The first category coming to Diablo 4 is Vicious Hearts, providing potent Offensive bonuses. Conversely, Brutal Hearts provide a Defensive bonus, while Devious Hearts deal in Utility powers. The final type is called a Wrathful Heart, and the developers have previously explained them as more powerful and rarer than the other three.

Though Blizzard has stated that players will be able to target-farm Malignant Hearts in Season 4, it seems that they will need to look for specific Malignant Monsters as well. Some fans have expressed concern that the Malignant Hearts in Diablo 4 are layered in too much RNG compared to Legendary Gems, as the grind also entails looking for Infested rolls on best-in-slot jewelry while making sure that the new socket is in the correct color.

Curiously, the infographic released by Blizzard reveals that players will also be able to craft Malignant Hearts via Cormond's wagon. One of the biggest criticisms of Diablo 4 has been its lack of crafting at launch, especially coming off the heels of Diablo 3's Blacksmith. The seasonal storytelling of Diablo 4 will also kick off on July 20, and fans will either have to skip the campaign or fully complete it in order to enjoy the next chapter in the world of Sanctuary.

Diablo 4 players have discovered a new bug affecting progress in the Helltides. Since its launch, Diablo 4 has faced its fair share of struggles with bugs. While some Diablo 4 bugs have resulted in unusual situations, other bugs have produced circumstances able to impact players' gameplay negatively.

In the first few days after launch, Diablo 4 disabled a bugged sidequest preventing players from getting 100% in Scosglen, the home of the Druids. In this area, players must find a bandit named Darcel and recover a stolen item, but the bug caused multiple copies of the character to appear. A few days after, another bug appeared, this time preventing the Druid from receiving Unique items, something Diablo 4 fixed not long after. Recently another bug that appeared kept Diablo 4 players from destroying a barrier required to complete one of Diablo IV Gold the game's quests.
